5 Tips to Overcome Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is not an experience you want to have when you are enjoying a good time with your partner. It can be frustrating but it is worth noting that this is a very common condition with a high global prevalence of about 30%. The definition of premature ejaculation is largely subjective. Generally, it is when one ejaculates before achieving sexual satisfaction for both parties. In some cases, it may happen only a few seconds after penetration.

Premature ejaculation has different causes including psychological factors. Some people get it because they are anxious before and during intercourse. Others experience this problem when they are having a difficult time in their relationship, whereas for some it is all about guilt. Overcoming premature ejaculation can help you improve the relationship with your partner and enjoy sex more. In this article we highlight 5 different options you can try to fight and overcome premature ejaculation.

Masturbate Before You Have Intercourse

Masturbating an hour or two before having sex with your partner can help to extend the duration of the intercourse. This has been recommended by many top-level health professionals.

To make good use of this practice, you need to know your refractory period. This is the time between ejaculation and the moment you can get an erection again. It varies among different people, so if you have a longer refractory period, you will need to do this much earlier so that you can rise to the occasion when the time comes.

Use Condoms

Condoms can be very helpful because they reduce sensation by providing a physical barrier between your and your partner’s genitals. You can achieve more by using thicker condoms.

Additionally, some condoms are lined with topical anesthesia which helps to lower your sensitivity and consequently make you last longer.

Use of Topical Anesthesia

If you are already using condoms but you still want to delay your orgasm, you can opt for topical anesthesia which makes your penis slightly numb so that you don’t finish too quickly. The commonest anesthesia used for this purpose is lidocaine which is utilized widely for other medical procedures such as stitching and pain relief.

It is best to apply lidocaine half an hour before sex so that it reaches its peak effectiveness by the time of action. It comes in different formulations including creams and sprays. To protect your partner from the effects of the anesthesia, make sure to wipe your genitals before penetration. You also need to buy anesthetics that don’t have harmful add-ons so that you don’t ruin the moment.

If you don’t want to wait for half an hour, you can choose the faster acting formulations which are absorbed more readily. Topical lidocaine sprays will produce maximal effect faster than the creams.

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises have long been used to help counter urinary incontinence and they are mostly recommended to women. What many people probably don’t know is that these can be the key to lengthening the time you last in bed. For the best outcome, you need precision and attention to detail.

The pelvic floor has quite a number of muscles and you need to be sure you are working the right ones to achieve delayed ejaculation and spare the other parts of your body. To pick out the muscles that you need to contract, try to hold your urine midstream when you pee. Focus on the muscles that are in action when you are doing this and there you have it. These are the muscle groups that you will need to work on to eventually control your ejaculation time.

You should contract these muscles for about three seconds then release them and do it again, going for ten cycles consecutively. When you do this three times every day, you will see a great improvement after some time.

The key to successful Kegel exercise is the attention to your pelvic muscles. Once you master this, you are good to go.

The Pause and Squeeze Technique

The pause and squeeze technique trains you to be able to hold your ejaculation for longer. So, you will keep going until the point when you feel you are close to orgasm. Your partner then holds the shaft of your penis at the glans and squeezes hard for a few seconds. This technique also works with masturbation. A modified version is the stop and go technique – you just pause when you are about to ejaculate and proceed at a slower rate or stop moving altogether. Both methods require practice to achieve the desired outcome.

Premature ejaculation can be worrisome but with these five techniques, you can overcome your problem and have happier moments with your partner. You need to be consistent with the ones that aim to train your system and adjust your sensitivity thresholds naturally. The last resort is the use of medications which alter sensation or adjust the levels of chemicals in your body involved in ejaculation. Antidepressants have been widely used to delay ejaculation. Moreover, some premature ejaculation meds like dapoxetine (Priligy) can be used with erectile dysfunction drugs like sildenafil (Viagra) to have double effect. All in all, it would be prudent to try the nonmedical methods first and resort to the use of medication only when it’s absolutely necessary.

author: Dr. Marian Davis

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